Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Whining List..Sorry

I feel like telling a story today.
I'm looking around my room for something to tell a story about, but I'm coming up short.
Everything is new-ish and doesn't have a story behind it.
Oops-I'm supposed to be exercising.

I could write yet another 'love' post.
I could talk about Halloween . . .again.
I could whine about work -I only have 15 hours left to work this week before a weekend away-
I could online window shop and share my finds with you.
I could post about my new boots, but I'm too lazy to get up to take a picture.
I could complain about how my left arm muscle feels bruised.  Is that possible?
I could tell you that I bought some awesome shampoo today.
I could tell you that I didn't make cookies today like I said I was going to;
instead I napped.
I could inform you about the new zit forming on my chin.
I could go into a lengthy discussion about Full House and how I'm watching all the seasons again for the millionth time.
I could drone about how I stay on Facebook too much waiting for the boy to come on so I don't have to text him.  I'm a much faster typer than texter.
I could stomp my foot about how the bookstore doesn't have "Dash and Lily's Book of Dares" by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan in stock.
I could warn you that I think I'm getting sick and I have a wonderful canker sore from when I bit my cheek..stupid Oreos.
I could, for some reason, tell you that I haven't been about to get the sour smell of garbage out of my nose all day.
I could shout about how I forgot to charge my ipod and I need it to exercise.

But you know what?  No one wants to know about those things.

You know when your week starts out bad and then it's like every little thing makes is worse?
I'm having one of those weeks.
Let's just hope this weekend makes it better :)

P.S. Anyone who reads this: Sorry for the constant complaining.  I really try not to, but after exhausting my Mom with my complaints yesterday I don't really want to do it again.  As for the dogs? One is deaf and the other one gives bad advice.

Oh and I just missed the boy on Facebook.  Grr.

1 comment:

Kaleena J. said...

I know all about those weeks, a little too well.

Don't worry about the complaining, I like reading about others complaints/trouble so I don't feel like such a baby when I see I can relate to someone haha