Monday, December 13, 2010

Awkward Staff Dinners

You're sitting around a table with some of your co-workers, what do you do?
Shift your eyes back and forth while they converse, of course.
Insert laughter when acceptable.
Say a word or two when spoke to.
Pretend you're listening to the boys discussing cars.
Stare off into space...but shift back to pretending to be interested in other peoples conversations about people you don't know so you don't come off as a snob.
Oh look, you've gone through 2 iced teas!

Dinner is over, everyone is shifting awkwardly in their seats, not wanting to be the first to make a move.
You decide to accept the challenge and stand up, everyone follows.

Conclusion: say no to staff dinners. On the plus side I got free food. Free is good, always.


Laura Wynn said...

ahaha, this is SO true. Staff dinners are the worst! Loved this point of view though. Your awkwardness brings me joy :)

Taylor said...

I got invited to a Christmas office party at my student worker job. It was me, and all older people who actually work for the school full time. Talk about awkward. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, my boss made me feel 'included!' But I hate hate hate faking laughs and smiles, and feeling so out-of-place. You really described this well with a lot of humor...thanks for taking some of the pain out of it :)

ali v. said...

ahhhh this is the awkwardness of my every day with my job as a sales rep....the free food is great though ;) xoxo {av}

Kaleena J. said...

bleeeah. story of my life! work parties anyways haha

GorJess said...

haha you're awesome!