Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ugh, ugh and more ugh!

I apologize for my current lame-ness.
This state of blah is no fun.
My pick me up? Looking at pictures on weheartit.
I'm blaming all that Easter chocolate for slowing me down.
But it's all gone now.
In my belly.
Have a lovely week.

I have a day off tomorrow and I plan to do wonderful things with it:
-Exercise! I'm actually really excited to get back into it after not working out Friday and Saturday
-Go with my brother to pick out a corsage. Le sigh, remember prom?  It honestly wasn't that fun to me.  We had grapes thrown at our table, I was in the middle so my poor collar bone was pelted with them. I didn't dance and I was just so awkward. A fun thing to do if you're dateless? Get your dateless friends together and do a Secret Corsage (pick names out of a hat) instead of Secret Santa!

-Eat delicious food!
-Bake some oatmeal cookies I just found a recipe for.
-Watch the most recent Vampire Diaries if I find down time
-Clean my room (yikes!)

What do you do on your days off?

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